Busy. Busy. Busy.

November 20, 2011 3:17 PM

So sorry that I haven't posted anything for the past ummm 2 weeks? Well I've been gone longer but due to grueling school & work schedule I had less and less time to spend some online time. I think everyone would probably know what I mean. I mean School first and then work, when you turn my age, everyone would experience what I am doing right now.

Anyways for this week I have a news. After all the hype with Girls Generation & Wonder Girls. T-Ara another Korean Group made their comeback this week.

Back with black & strong femme fatale concept T-Ara once again took the attention off SNSD & Wonder Girls. It's not just this year that this group took the attention, ever since their debut the group took the spotlight with strong confidence and let's just say they have succeeded with those.

Without further ado, here are the music videos.

Drama Version 

Dance Version

ENJOY! The song is enjoyable and should be listed as one of the most memorable songs of this year.

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