Busy. Busy. Busy.

November 20, 2011 3:17 PM

So sorry that I haven't posted anything for the past ummm 2 weeks? Well I've been gone longer but due to grueling school & work schedule I had less and less time to spend some online time. I think everyone would probably know what I mean. I mean School first and then work, when you turn my age, everyone would experience what I am doing right now.

Anyways for this week I have a news. After all the hype with Girls Generation & Wonder Girls. T-Ara another Korean Group made their comeback this week.

Back with black & strong femme fatale concept T-Ara once again took the attention off SNSD & Wonder Girls. It's not just this year that this group took the attention, ever since their debut the group took the spotlight with strong confidence and let's just say they have succeeded with those.

Without further ado, here are the music videos.

Drama Version 

Dance Version

ENJOY! The song is enjoyable and should be listed as one of the most memorable songs of this year.

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Wonder Girls releases full MV for Be My Baby

November 6, 2011 12:59 PM

Totally out of the blue release. Didn't expect it to be this early, but considering that their comeback showcase is next week I guess it's understandable.

To be honest it's a good song, but the Wonder Girls vibe that they have carried ever since their debut wasn't there. It feels like this song was written for Miss A no offence, but I really think this song suits Miss A's style better than Wonder Girls, though Wonder Girls did an amazing job with the song, the rap part was kind of unexpected. It seems like it was just pasted in there somewhere sorry Yubin but your rap kind of wavered a bit there.

Well let's just see how they do in the charts, since SNSD is still taking over South Korea at the moment. The battle of the best girls groups will start this week. Don't forget that we still have Brown Eyed Girls promoting, but this time I think fans are only concern about Girls Generation & Wonder Girls itself.

It's the battle between GG & WG I wonder who will take the triple crown home.

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Wonder Girls 2nd teaser MV >;)

November 3, 2011 4:06 PM

Wonder Girls finally released their second teaser for their upcoming music video. Guess the title of the song would be 'Be My Lady' but lately K-Music has been leading it's fans far away from it's real point and although I trust that Wonder Girls will make an amazing comeback :D

Let's just wait till we actually judge!

Without further ado! Here is the teaser :D


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Wonder Girls released first official MV Teaser

November 1, 2011 5:45 PM

Ever since JYP Entertainment revealed that Wonder Girls will be making a comeback. Wonderfuls has been kept on their toes for long enough. Now JYP & Wonder Girls officially release the first MV teaser for their comeback single.

The title of the single is still unknown, but base on the teaser Wonder Girls this year are going for the rocker-american type girl group and let's just hope it's not a disappointing comeback as Wonderfuls have been waiting for them for a long time now.

Without further ado! Here is the teaser for the MV



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