Heartstrings / Remember Kang Shin Woo & Go Mi Nam?
July 31, 2011
11:53 AM ♥
For those who didn't get their happily every after with the drama You're Beautiful and was praying that Kang Shin Woo (Jung Yong Hwa) and Go Mi Nam (Park Shin Hye) will be the choosen pairing in the end of the drama You're Beautiful then this drama is for you.
Heartstrings gives us back Jung Yong Hwa as Lee Shin and Park Shin Hye as Lee Kyu Won the chosen couple for this music filled drama. Forget about Kang Shin Woo and welcome Lee Shin. This time Jung Yong Hwa is playing the cold lover guy and not the sweet guy.
Lee Shin is a university student majoring in modern music and is the vocalist & guitarist of the fictional band group 'The Stupid'. He is known for his good looks and strong passion for music, but outside music he is cold, lacks anything in interest unrelated to music and has no dreams or plans for the future.
Lee Kyu Won is a university student that goes to the same school as Lee Shin and is majoring in Traditional Korean Instrument she plays the Gayageum. Kyu Won is expected to follow the steps of his grandfather who is one of the top 3 musicians of his age and his biggest wish is to see his granddaughter become a traditional music prodigy. Trying to live up to her grandfather's wishes Kyu Won immerses herself in her music knowing nothing about the modern or western music, that was until she meets Lee Shin this two will change each other's view of their music.
Nine episodes has been already aired and sub. The drama is expected to end with 16 episodes around the middle of August.
City Hunter, ending
11:37 AM ♥
City Hunter is done and over with. Although the drama has been amazing filled with actions, drama and a hint of humor here and there from the beginning, the end of the drama was a bit disappointing for all it's fans. A whole bunch of fans are hoping for a second season, probably with a new mission for City Hunter.
So we all probably know that Kim Sang Joong (Lee Jin Pyo) died in the end claiming all the faults of the City Hunter along with him. It was an amazing feat till that part, but what's confusing was Lee Min Ho (Lee Yoon Sung) and Park Min Young (Kim Na Na) did meet in the end, but why was he driving by himself going back. Why is he going back to the U.S? Would have been better if they could have squeezed in a little bit of information.
So in the end, Lee Yoon Sung did get his revenged, but I promise everyone that although the ending of the drama was disappointing, take my word. From the beginning till near the end, I promise it will keep you on your toes hoping that things would get better. This drama I would rate this with 8.6/10 as it was filled with twist and turns, confusing moments that will clear itself up. You actually have to pay attention to what they are saying in the beginning of drama as those information will come into hand near the end. It's a great feat and another successful drama for SBS. I would now start praying for another season.
City Hunter, a must watch Drama.
July 27, 2011
5:01 PM ♥
Hello Everyone :D Sorry for not posting for so long. I've been pre-occupied with watching Korean Dramas lately and I have a whole bunch of list to go through :D.
Anyways for the past week. I've been watching the drama version of 'City Hunter'. It's based on a Japanese Manga by Tsukasa Hojo and I must say they did a great job inserting drama, action and humor on a 20 episode drama.
If you're a
MINOZ you might want to watch this. You'll see a whole new side of
Lee Min Ho than what were used to from
Boys Over Flowers. If your a fan of
Park Min Young then this is also a drama for you :D. Also
Goo Hara from KARA made her acting debut through this drama and I must say she's amazing.
OST for the drama also is amazing! Should we include
Im Jae Bum, Kim JongHyun, Park Gyuri, Kim Bo Kyung, Girls Day & Rainbow. It's a great combination of veteran & newly debuted singers.
That is all for today. Will update once the drama is done 2 more episodes! YEAH!
Hime-Dreams has it's on QR Code :D
July 22, 2011
8:46 PM ♥
You can now visit hime-dreams by scanning this QR Code. As long as your hand phone has a QR Code Scanner you can scan & save this :D Visit Hime-Dreams anytime you want :D
Philippine Folklore [Strong & Beautiful]
July 19, 2011
5:06 PM ♥
When the world first began there was no land; there was only the Sea and the Sky, and between them flew a huge, beautiful Kite (a bird similar to a hawk). One day, the bird, which had nowhere to land and rest, grew tired of flying about, and in frustration stirred up the Sky in a quarrel against the Sea. The Sky threw rain, thunder, and lightning that reached the Sea, who in turn rose up and hurled waves and hurricanes that reached the Sky.
In order to restrain its fury, the Sky showered a multitude of massive boulders down upon the Sea, which became the islands that formed the Philippines. These islands prevented the waters from rising any more - instead causing them to flow back and forth, and thereby creating the tides. Afterwards, the Sky then ordered the Kite to light on one of the newly-formed islands to build her nest, and to leave the Sea and the Sky in peace.
Now at this same time the Land Breeze and the Sea Breeze were married, and they had a child which they named Bamboo. One day, when Bamboo was floating against the sea, it struck the feet of the Kite. Shocked, hurt, and angered that anything should strike it, the bird furiously pecked at the bamboo until it split in half. Out of one section came a golden-bronze colored man, named Malakas (Strong One) and from the other half came a similarly hued woman, named Maganda (Beautiful One).
The earthquake then called on all the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea to see what should be done with these two, and the animals decided that they should marry each other. Together, Malakas and Maganda had many children, and from them eventually came all the different races of people.
After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around. They wished to be rid of them, but they knew of no other place to send them off to. Time went on and the children became even more numerous that the parents could no longer enjoy any peace. One day, in an act of pure irritation and desperation, Malakas seized a stick and began beating them on all sides.
This so frightened the children that they all fled in different directions; seeking some place to hide both within and outside the house. Some of the children ran into hidden rooms in the house, several concealed themselves within the actual walls, while others hid in the fireplace. Some ran outside and the rest fled out to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands (Maharlikas); and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves (Alipins). Those who hid in the fireplace became the Negritos and the Aetas; and those who ran outside turned into free men (Timawas). As for those who fled to the Sea; they were gone many years, and when their children eventually came back, they had become the white foreigners.
miss A is back!
July 18, 2011
5:53 PM ♥
Not related to my blog, but something I thought I would share to everyone :D
miss A is back and they captured another new concept to the KPOP idol industry.
Seriously Jia is a knockout with the hair-color <3
Fei makes me jealous. She rocks the corset top, she makes it seem like an everyday wear.
<3 Suzy & Min are good too, but Fei & Jia stood out the most.
New Layout
July 16, 2011
12:46 AM ♥
WOW! I finally figured out how to use HTML for Blogger and I must say, it's better than XTML. Although XTML gives me more options, it's actually better for me to use HTML, at least I understand what the heck is going on with my userpage.
I think it features BoA :D. Come to think of it, I should sleep now since I have something to do tomorrow. Bye everyone <3
I frown upon fishes :3
July 15, 2011
11:31 PM ♥
The title is nothing new. I actually can't think of anything that is why the title is just effin' weird.
Currently watching
Agent Cody Banks: Destination London :D
Funny since I was never a fan of anything that includes the CIA, but this movie makes up for it.
It's funny, entertaining, witty and effin full of kicks up and down. <3
I'm currently thinking of which JPOP/KPOP singer to feature on the next MTM. I was thinking I could put B2ST since they have debuted in Japan and will sing the main theme song for the upcoming Japanese Movie 'Shanghai', a great feat for a new singer in Japan for me. Should I go with B2ST or with BoA?. Maybe I should go with B2ST and BoA can go in on the next MTM <3
July 14, 2011
8:03 PM ♥
A long time ago I created this blogger account and it was forgotten for more than 4 years and now I'm back for more purposes.
For the next month I will be one of the new writers for MTM, a Minitokyo Newsletter that is delivered every month for all of it's members.
I will be updating this site, as MTM only allows me to post a 100 words or less and thus I will be creating summaries and I will posts the complete newsletter here, and I will re-direct the readers to my blogger account so they will be able to read the whole story or news :D
I will also be updating music. Besides writing stories for the MTM I'm also in-charge of the Music Review Section. Don't be surprise if I have a whole bunch of posts in just a day.
Wish List & What I want to do in the future!
Travel to Japan
Travel to Korea
Finished HighSchool
Attend College
Finish College
Go to DisneyLand
Learn how to cook!
New Phone (Samsung Galaxy S Glide)
Dye my hair Black & Blonde
Watch all Bleach Movies
Continue watching Bleach
Finish watching Bleach
New laptop
Get my drivers license
Get a new job
Visit the Philippines Again
Get a Boyfriend >;D
Go the the States
Visit the Ground Zero
Get Photoshop CS5 (or 4)
Try & get coffee at Starbucks
Eat Korean BBQ
Get my own room
Paint my Room Green
Shop at Garage, Forever 21 & GAP
Get SNSD 'The Boys' Album
Go to a SMTOWN Concert
Go to a SNSD Concert
Watch the Zookeeper
Watch the Smurfs
Because I Matter
Name: Laarni Soriano
Residing in: The Northern Hemisphere
School: Attending College for Administrative Assistant
Birthday: May 23, 1992
Status: Single ||
In A Relationship ||
Engaged ||
Married ||
I was born in a little town called Baritao in the Philippines. I lived there for 11 years and moved to Canada. I've been living in Canada ever since, and of course I've visited
the Philippines once. I can speak Pangasinan, Tagalog & English though I'm a bit slow with understading & reading Pangasinan sentences. I work & I go to college. I enjoy listening to
K-POP & R&B Music, I love to dance and sing around the house. I enjoy making Minitokyo Layouts & playing with different shades of colors, sometimes I even surprise myself due to the
result of my experiments. I love to watch Korean TV Dramas, Variety Shows & etc. Once in a while I watch anime's specifically BLEACH, GUNDAM SEED, GUNDAM SEED DESTINY, GHOST HUNT & others.
Luminous Rain || Minitokyo Layouts
Luminous-Rain has been with me since July 2011. I once blogged in Tumblr but it only gives me the ability to posts a few stuff. Searched and Searched the web for a blogging site
that can provide my need and I happen to stumble upon Blogger.
Luminous-Rain is the third name of the site, it first started with
Hime-Dreams but since the name seem a
bit off I decided to go with
S-KoreAii but it seems too direct, so I decided to change the name of the site again and I came up with
Luminous-Rain I don't really know what it
means, but I really love the name that I came up with so I changed it again, there is the story of how
Luminous-Rain came to life.
{ Facebook ♔
Twitter ♔
Instagram/Followgram ♔
Minitokyo Layouts ♔
Blogspot }
Inspiring Quotes
Love is a continous shattering piece of mirror that leaves everyone a painful memory to carry on to their lives
Live life to the fullest, don't give a reason to anyone to ruin your day or your future! Continue walking like your walking through a path of cloud
Life is precious, it is given by GOD and therefore no human being should take another human being's life. It is only GOD who is able to give and take life away.
Our parents, are merely a vessel given to us by GOD so that someone will pass GOD's love to us. Therefore treat your parent's respect and show them how you appreciate their hardships.
Heartstrings / Remember Kang Shin Woo & Go Mi Nam?
July 31, 2011
11:53 AM ♥
For those who didn't get their happily every after with the drama You're Beautiful and was praying that Kang Shin Woo (Jung Yong Hwa) and Go Mi Nam (Park Shin Hye) will be the choosen pairing in the end of the drama You're Beautiful then this drama is for you.
Heartstrings gives us back Jung Yong Hwa as Lee Shin and Park Shin Hye as Lee Kyu Won the chosen couple for this music filled drama. Forget about Kang Shin Woo and welcome Lee Shin. This time Jung Yong Hwa is playing the cold lover guy and not the sweet guy.
Lee Shin is a university student majoring in modern music and is the vocalist & guitarist of the fictional band group 'The Stupid'. He is known for his good looks and strong passion for music, but outside music he is cold, lacks anything in interest unrelated to music and has no dreams or plans for the future.
Lee Kyu Won is a university student that goes to the same school as Lee Shin and is majoring in Traditional Korean Instrument she plays the Gayageum. Kyu Won is expected to follow the steps of his grandfather who is one of the top 3 musicians of his age and his biggest wish is to see his granddaughter become a traditional music prodigy. Trying to live up to her grandfather's wishes Kyu Won immerses herself in her music knowing nothing about the modern or western music, that was until she meets Lee Shin this two will change each other's view of their music.
Nine episodes has been already aired and sub. The drama is expected to end with 16 episodes around the middle of August.
City Hunter, ending
11:37 AM ♥
City Hunter is done and over with. Although the drama has been amazing filled with actions, drama and a hint of humor here and there from the beginning, the end of the drama was a bit disappointing for all it's fans. A whole bunch of fans are hoping for a second season, probably with a new mission for City Hunter.
So we all probably know that Kim Sang Joong (Lee Jin Pyo) died in the end claiming all the faults of the City Hunter along with him. It was an amazing feat till that part, but what's confusing was Lee Min Ho (Lee Yoon Sung) and Park Min Young (Kim Na Na) did meet in the end, but why was he driving by himself going back. Why is he going back to the U.S? Would have been better if they could have squeezed in a little bit of information.
So in the end, Lee Yoon Sung did get his revenged, but I promise everyone that although the ending of the drama was disappointing, take my word. From the beginning till near the end, I promise it will keep you on your toes hoping that things would get better. This drama I would rate this with 8.6/10 as it was filled with twist and turns, confusing moments that will clear itself up. You actually have to pay attention to what they are saying in the beginning of drama as those information will come into hand near the end. It's a great feat and another successful drama for SBS. I would now start praying for another season.
City Hunter, a must watch Drama.
July 27, 2011
5:01 PM ♥
Hello Everyone :D Sorry for not posting for so long. I've been pre-occupied with watching Korean Dramas lately and I have a whole bunch of list to go through :D.
Anyways for the past week. I've been watching the drama version of 'City Hunter'. It's based on a Japanese Manga by Tsukasa Hojo and I must say they did a great job inserting drama, action and humor on a 20 episode drama.
If you're a
MINOZ you might want to watch this. You'll see a whole new side of
Lee Min Ho than what were used to from
Boys Over Flowers. If your a fan of
Park Min Young then this is also a drama for you :D. Also
Goo Hara from KARA made her acting debut through this drama and I must say she's amazing.
OST for the drama also is amazing! Should we include
Im Jae Bum, Kim JongHyun, Park Gyuri, Kim Bo Kyung, Girls Day & Rainbow. It's a great combination of veteran & newly debuted singers.
That is all for today. Will update once the drama is done 2 more episodes! YEAH!
Hime-Dreams has it's on QR Code :D
July 22, 2011
8:46 PM ♥
You can now visit hime-dreams by scanning this QR Code. As long as your hand phone has a QR Code Scanner you can scan & save this :D Visit Hime-Dreams anytime you want :D
Philippine Folklore [Strong & Beautiful]
July 19, 2011
5:06 PM ♥
When the world first began there was no land; there was only the Sea and the Sky, and between them flew a huge, beautiful Kite (a bird similar to a hawk). One day, the bird, which had nowhere to land and rest, grew tired of flying about, and in frustration stirred up the Sky in a quarrel against the Sea. The Sky threw rain, thunder, and lightning that reached the Sea, who in turn rose up and hurled waves and hurricanes that reached the Sky.
In order to restrain its fury, the Sky showered a multitude of massive boulders down upon the Sea, which became the islands that formed the Philippines. These islands prevented the waters from rising any more - instead causing them to flow back and forth, and thereby creating the tides. Afterwards, the Sky then ordered the Kite to light on one of the newly-formed islands to build her nest, and to leave the Sea and the Sky in peace.
Now at this same time the Land Breeze and the Sea Breeze were married, and they had a child which they named Bamboo. One day, when Bamboo was floating against the sea, it struck the feet of the Kite. Shocked, hurt, and angered that anything should strike it, the bird furiously pecked at the bamboo until it split in half. Out of one section came a golden-bronze colored man, named Malakas (Strong One) and from the other half came a similarly hued woman, named Maganda (Beautiful One).
The earthquake then called on all the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea to see what should be done with these two, and the animals decided that they should marry each other. Together, Malakas and Maganda had many children, and from them eventually came all the different races of people.
After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around. They wished to be rid of them, but they knew of no other place to send them off to. Time went on and the children became even more numerous that the parents could no longer enjoy any peace. One day, in an act of pure irritation and desperation, Malakas seized a stick and began beating them on all sides.
This so frightened the children that they all fled in different directions; seeking some place to hide both within and outside the house. Some of the children ran into hidden rooms in the house, several concealed themselves within the actual walls, while others hid in the fireplace. Some ran outside and the rest fled out to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands (Maharlikas); and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves (Alipins). Those who hid in the fireplace became the Negritos and the Aetas; and those who ran outside turned into free men (Timawas). As for those who fled to the Sea; they were gone many years, and when their children eventually came back, they had become the white foreigners.
miss A is back!
July 18, 2011
5:53 PM ♥
Not related to my blog, but something I thought I would share to everyone :D
miss A is back and they captured another new concept to the KPOP idol industry.
Seriously Jia is a knockout with the hair-color <3
Fei makes me jealous. She rocks the corset top, she makes it seem like an everyday wear.
<3 Suzy & Min are good too, but Fei & Jia stood out the most.
New Layout
July 16, 2011
12:46 AM ♥
WOW! I finally figured out how to use HTML for Blogger and I must say, it's better than XTML. Although XTML gives me more options, it's actually better for me to use HTML, at least I understand what the heck is going on with my userpage.
I think it features BoA :D. Come to think of it, I should sleep now since I have something to do tomorrow. Bye everyone <3
I frown upon fishes :3
July 15, 2011
11:31 PM ♥
The title is nothing new. I actually can't think of anything that is why the title is just effin' weird.
Currently watching
Agent Cody Banks: Destination London :D
Funny since I was never a fan of anything that includes the CIA, but this movie makes up for it.
It's funny, entertaining, witty and effin full of kicks up and down. <3
I'm currently thinking of which JPOP/KPOP singer to feature on the next MTM. I was thinking I could put B2ST since they have debuted in Japan and will sing the main theme song for the upcoming Japanese Movie 'Shanghai', a great feat for a new singer in Japan for me. Should I go with B2ST or with BoA?. Maybe I should go with B2ST and BoA can go in on the next MTM <3
July 14, 2011
8:03 PM ♥
A long time ago I created this blogger account and it was forgotten for more than 4 years and now I'm back for more purposes.
For the next month I will be one of the new writers for MTM, a Minitokyo Newsletter that is delivered every month for all of it's members.
I will be updating this site, as MTM only allows me to post a 100 words or less and thus I will be creating summaries and I will posts the complete newsletter here, and I will re-direct the readers to my blogger account so they will be able to read the whole story or news :D
I will also be updating music. Besides writing stories for the MTM I'm also in-charge of the Music Review Section. Don't be surprise if I have a whole bunch of posts in just a day.